4 Words


Four Words to Re-Engage Clients

Client ghosting you? Not ready to commit? Time to cut through the noise with a direct approach.

The Magic Words: "Are you still interested?"

This straightforward question is your secret weapon. It's quick, easy, and gets straight to the point. No need to overthink it. A prompt "no" is better than a lingering "maybe." Your time, energy, and effort are valuable—don't waste them waiting in limbo.

Add a Personal Touch

If you prefer a softer approach, try:

"Are you still interested? If so, let's schedule a call. If not, that's perfectly fine. Please let me know either way."

Setting a clear timeline is crucial. When sending proposals, specify that the price is valid for a certain period—say, 90 days. Many clients may decide on the spot, but others need more time. Implement 30/60/90 day check-ins and automate these follow-ups. Automation is your ally.

If They Decline, Celebrate the Clarity

Perfect. Now you know. A quick “no” is always better than a slow, lingering “maybe.” Why? Because it frees you up to focus on what’s truly meant for you.

Let’s be real: You can’t mess up anything that’s meant to be yours. Every “no” is just the universe redirecting you toward something even better. It’s not rejection—it’s alignment. Everything happens for you, not to you.

Now, you’ve cleared the space for a client or opportunity that’s even more aligned with your vision. And trust me, the right people will never keep you guessing.


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