Never ever send one.
Never ever send a proposal.
That’s how you get ghosted.
Here's why.
A proposal is free work, it’s desperation.
It puts the client in control and you in the victim role.
Never again.
Be the guide, the expert. Always be in the driver's seat.
Develop a low-cost lead product.
For coaches, maybe it’s a custom career plan.
For financial consultants, maybe it’s a debt strategy session.
Then, offer a package for implementation.
Mine is “Brand Clarity,” a 2.5-hour deep dive into a client's business.
Clients should never have to spend $5k+ without getting to know me and my working style.
In this meeting, business owners see my expertise, then they ask to hire me.
No more free work. Ever.
Your time and energy are valuable.
Charge accordingly and develop a low-cost lead product.