Still Interested?


The Four Word Email

Client hasn’t responded? Not ready yet?

Send them this email or text:

“Are you still interested?”

It's quick, easy, and direct.

You don't need to overthink it.

A quick no is better than a slow maybe.

Your time, energy, and effort are valuable.

Better to know.

If you want to add some fluff, you can say:

“Are you still interested? If you are, schedule a call. If not, that’s okay. Let me know either way.”

Also, put a timeline.

When I send out my proposal, I make it clear the price is good for 90 days.

Most of my clients close on the spot.

But some people need more time.

So, I schedule 30/60/90 day check-ins and automate this email.

Automation is your friend.

If they say no, don’t make it a problem.

People can smell desperation.

It’s not cute.

If it’s a perfect fit, great.

If not, great. You have room for someone who is.

It's all mindset.

Make it positive.

It feels better.

Trust me.




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